
How Republican and Democratic convention delegates reflect American political divides

Introduction: For over a year, President Biden’s message was grim. He claimed that the election threatened the country’s core foundations. If former President Donald J. Trump was re-elected, the United States would face an apocalyptic future.The tone of the campaign has shifted since Mr. Biden’s departure, with Vice President Kamala Harris now leading the Democratic ticket.The presidential campaign heats up when Kamala Harris publicly accepts her party’s nomination. The Federal Reserve’s chairman thinks “the time has come” to decrease interest rates, citing falling inflation and evidence of a weakening labour market. Judy Woodruff also investigates how delegates to the Republican and Democratic conventions mirror the country’s broader political conflicts.Background:In Chicago and Milwaukee, two main conventions, from Democratic party and from Republican party held in which each party had the same goal, energise their voters. Donald Trump said that America’s Future will be bolder, brighter, stronger, greater and more United than ever before. Trump also added that in less than four years their opponents have turned incredible success into unparalleled tragedy and failure.Kamala Harris said that she will be the one who unites the nation around the highest aspirations of the country.The consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious. There were also words of condemnation. Kamala Harris hadn’t even become the Democratic nominee when the Republicans met in Wisconsin.Republican Alberto Herrera:Republican Alberto Herrera is from the border town of Mission,Texas.Alberto Herrera, delegate of Texas, said that he loves to say thatAmerica is in a good direction right now. But it’s obviously not the truth.Unfortunately, Donald Trump is going to be blamed for all the stuff that happened in the last four years and he’s going to try to repair it, and according to Alberto, Trump will do the best he can.He also said that, if we as an Americans, we don’t get our act together is doesn’t matter how much of a good president we have. It’s going to be a hard ,hard ride.Christian Figueroa,the California’s delegate:Christian Figueroa,the California’s delegate said that he thinks that the contrast and difference cannot be any clearer. Christian Figueroa is a Democrat from southern California.There is a set of people in the democratic party that seemed over the past few years, at least what I have seen to choose violence, to choose division, to choose anger, to choose retribution as method of leading or so -called leading. Though all agreed political divisions are concerning, delegates had different opinions on what’s behind them.Republican Jesse Franklin: Republican Jesse Franklin, also from california, focused on the media’s influence.He said that I think that People who take the time to really think about every issue for themselves and just look online and turn on the Tv, they may be well intentioned but they’re sometimes misled.Democrat Robert Branscomb:Democrat Robert Branscomb from Arizona said polarization in Washington as part of the problem.He said that I think we got in this place because we entered to the tribalism.We Democrats have our progressive side, Rebulicana have their mega extreme side.And it became unpopular to talk to each other.Robert Branscomb said that if you don’t have abortion rights, then what other rights are you going to take away from us? He said that myself as an African American, we have voters rights, we have social rights. You have transgender, you have the project 2025 talking about the dismantling our government, taking away the educational departments, things like that. So these things really hurt and harm our countryJohn leiber:Wisconsin state treasure, John leiber, served as a GOP delegate in Milwaukee, said that even here in Wisconsin, the friendly atmosphere has broken down in the last couple of decades.Used to be Democratic and Rebulican legislators could meet,go have a beer and talk to each other but today that doesn’t happen.Caleb Fulforf, delegate from Virginia:Caleb Fulforf, delegate from Virginia said that we are not approaching politics like we used to anymore.But the Virginia Democrat placed the bulk of the blame on the rhetoric of the Rebulican side, particularly from the former president.He said that politics used to be a side topic. It used to not be a sort of who you were as a person. We are now in a society where if you are a Republican or a Democrat, I can somehow self identify you with a whole set of moral beliefs, set of judgments and opinions and I think it comes from just like the politics of hate, where it’s Donald Trump, it comes from top down.Alabama Republican delegate Logan Glass:Alabama Republican delegate Logan GlassHe said that president Biden saying things such as it’s time to put the bullseye on Donald Trump, President Biden got what he asked for and I know president Biden didn’t literally mean ,let’s shoot Donald Trump but that sort of divisive rhetoric is not healthy.Michelle Merrell delegate from florida:Michelle Merrell is the Rebulican state committeewoman , delegate from Florida , said that she has so many friends that are immigrants to this country that are proud that they came through the immigration system, the proper way, the legal way. She said that she don’t thinks that others should be able to come across our board in hordes in an illegal way and be here and be sucking up the resources of our government, of our schools, our taxpayers, when they didn’t come here in the right way.Rebulican delegate Susan kokinda:Rebulican delegate Susan kokinda from Michigan pointed the economy. She said that people can’t make it, I’m from detroit area, which created the Middle class, where one income could support a family. But now, five incomes cannot support a family, that’s what has to change.The 2024 Democratic National Convention was a presidential nominating convention in which delegates from the United States Democratic Party voted on their party platform and ceremonially reported their decision to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris for president and her chosen running mate, Governor Tim Walz, for vice president in the 2024 eolection. It took place from August 19 to 22,